All St. Paul grandparents and “special grands” are invited to join us for a Grandparent’s Day celebration! Use the form below, or contact the school office to RSVP for this special day.
Wednesday, September 18
7:30 - 8:00 AM Guest Check-in
All guests check-in at the School Office (gym entrance) when you arrive to recieve your visitor tag. Coffee will be available to help you match that grandkid energy level :)
8:10 - 8:40 AM School-Wide Chapel in the Sanctuary
Join your grandchild(ren) for a special chapel service.
8:45 - 10:15 AM Class Rotations
Join your grandchild(ren) for a special snack time, shopping in the book fair and a visit to their classroom.
10:30 AM - School Day Resumes
All guests depart and regular school day resumes.