Confirmation Classes


7th Grade

This first year course leads students into a deeper look at the structure and contents of the Bible, the books of Genesis and Exodus, the Ten Commandments, the Life of Jesus, the Gospels, and more. Through Scripture, Luther’s Small Catechism, videos and music, teens are engaged with the truth of God’s Word and strengthened to stand firm in the Christian faith.


8th grade

This second year course builds on what the students learned the previous year. They dive into topics of Creation, Martin Luther, the Reformation, Prophecy, the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion as well as the Apostles’ Creed. Culminating with their heart warming Faith Statements, Confirmation is a fantastic way these students share their love for Jesus and commitment to grow as God’s child.


SPecial Events

SP School Trip to Camp Lone Star Aug 21-23

7th Grade Orientation - Sunday, August 25 11:00am

Class for 8th grade begins Sept 4th

Class for 7th grade begins Sept 10th.

Movie Night: The “Luther” movie Friday, Oct 25