Interested in becoming a St. Paul Lion? We will be hosting a Preschool Open House with two dates for you to choose from! Come tour our school, meet our dedicated, loving teachers and get all of your questions about the St. Paul Early Childhood program answered. Please RSVP with your preferred date below.
St. Paul Celebrates Lutheran Schools Week
St. Paul Welcomes New Families and Community Members to Open House!
We can’t wait to meet you! St. Paul welcomes prospective new families and community members to our Open House event on Wednesday, March 5, 2025. Join us for a special Ash Wednesday chapel followed by a chance to peek into different classrooms and meet our amazing teachers and staff. Then, all guests will get to visit various countries around the world and meet important people in history at our Middle School living museum! RSVP to attend.
St. Paul Varsity Invitational Basketball Tournament - Jan. 17-18, 2025
St. Paul Lutheran School is hosting its 2025 Varsity Invitational Basketball Tournament FRI-SAT, JAN 17-18, 2025. We know our blue-and-white backers are the best fans in the world, and we thank our past sponsors (and our new sponsors) for your support of our student-athletes and this tournament!
We’re counting the help of our proud fans, once again, to make this event a success. Lion supporters are invited to be sponsors to help cover tourney costs. Sponsors can be parents, family, friends, businesses, neighbors, alumni, church members – anyone who would like to be a part of this long-standing annual event! If we can count on you as a sponsor, please complete and return the form with payment to St. Paul by January 15. With a donation of $35 or more, your Lion Pride will be recognized on the Tournament Sponsor Wall. Sponsorships start at $35, but more generous donations to offset costs are always welcome
With the help of generous friends like you, we can look forward to the continuance of a solid Christian athletic program here at St. Paul for many years to come. See you at the tournament!
Ms. Becky Cavage, Principal and Athletic Director
Support the St. Paul Youth trip to National Youth Gathering
Thorndale Cares Supply Drive
The St. Paul students will be collecting items as part of the Thorndale Cares supply drive! Bring the following items between Dec. 2 and Dec. 10:
Paper plates
Paper towels
Body Wash
Dryer Sheets
Toilet Paper
Dish Soap
St. Paul Veteran's Day Program
St. Paul Lutheran School cordially invites friends, family and Veteran’s to join us for a special program honoring those who have served our country. Please RSVP by emailing the School Office!
40th Annual St. Paul Chili Supper
Please join us for our 40th Annual Chili supper! What started with one roaster of chili has grown to 1,000 attendees. The annual chili supper is more than just a St. Paul Lutheran School event - it’s a family-friendly dinner that brings together the entire St. Paul and surrounding community.
You’re invited to partake in all of the fun! Dinner - Games - Stretch Draw - Chicken Poop Bingo - Cake Walk - Silent Auction - and our famous LIVE AUCTION featuring specialty items handmade by the students of St. Paul Lutheran School.
All proceeds from this year’s Chili Supper will go towards a new gym floor in the St. Paul Family Activity Center.
Sky Ranch Scholarship Essays
It’s time to apply for a scholarship to Sky Ranch Christian Summer Camp! The Sue Gove Family (of Star Creek Ranch in Thorndale) will donate up to 30 camp scholarships to local youth this year. These scholarships cover the cost of the week-long camp at the Sky Ranch location in Van, TX. This marks 20+ years of generosity by the Gove Family with scholarships to students at St. Paul and Thorndale ISD, and sadly, this will be the final year the scholarship is offered.
FIRST STEP: Kinder-Grade 8 students may apply for a scholarship by submitting an essay to the school office by Friday, November 8. Elementary students should handwrite their essays. Students in Grades 6-8 may type theirs if they wish
Essay Topic: “The Bible teaches us about training for the Christian life. Describe how you train. Describe how you can train better. Describe your goals as a believer.”
Due Date: Submit to the school office by November 8. No exceptions can be made for late entries.
NEXT STEP: Essays submitted by the deadline will then be attached to an official scholarship application, and returned to the student. Parents will complete the official application form (attached to the essay) and return both to the office by November 15.
For more information about Sky Ranch Christian Camps, please visit For questions regarding the local scholarships, please contact Richard Schneider at (512) 760-8689.
St. Paul Annual Grandparent's Day Celebration
All St. Paul grandparents and “special grands” are invited to join us for a Grandparent’s Day celebration! Use the form below, or contact the school office to RSVP for this special day.
Wednesday, September 18
7:30 - 8:00 AM Guest Check-in
All guests check-in at the School Office (gym entrance) when you arrive to recieve your visitor tag. Coffee will be available to help you match that grandkid energy level :)
8:10 - 8:40 AM School-Wide Chapel in the Sanctuary
Join your grandchild(ren) for a special chapel service.
8:45 - 10:15 AM Class Rotations
Join your grandchild(ren) for a special snack time, shopping in the book fair and a visit to their classroom.
10:30 AM - School Day Resumes
All guests depart and regular school day resumes.