Lent 2025

Here at St Paul we’ll spend these 40 Days of Lent recognizing the lies of satan that seek to disrupt and deceive us from the goodness and truth of God while at the same time understanding God’s presence and promises in our lives. It didn’t take long for the evil one to bring about the fall (Genesis 3).  Throughout the generations, he still hasn’t quit (1 Peter 5).  But God has been victorious against satan’s onslaught and continues to love and provide for all His creation while still being a righteous judge against sin (John 14). Our regular Sunday worship time is 9:30am. Lent midweek services at 7:00pm. I hope you’ll join us.

If you are looking for a humble church home and a friendly family of faith, come visit and worship with us for a few weeks. Join us in seeing the lies of satan squashed by the Truth of God. ~ Pastor Doria

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